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Caring for baby: A view through the lens of ecology

Caring for baby can be all-consuming, but sifting through conflicting parenting advice shouldn't be. KidEcology will help you find the answers to your new parent questions that are too complex to Google — and help you create the most nurturing spaces and experiences for your baby. 

Kidecology philosophy: Instead of perfecting parenting techniques, scripts, and gadgets, let's put our best effort into creating environments for learning and connection

Are you finding a lot of baby care advice too prescriptive, black-and-white, and at times confusing?

  • “Let your baby sleep” but “keep naps short”;
  • “Start with purees” but “skip purees entirely”;
  • “Babywear as much as possible” but “don't restrict free movement”

Does it feel like you have to stick to a specific parenting philosophy or a set of techniques yet none of them feel quite right? Did you hope to rely on your instincts but discover that you don't 'naturally' know what to do?


And you're right in questioning too-specific, one-size-fits-all, "only one right way" advice.

The answers to parenting questions are not black-and-white but a kaleidoscope of good options

When I was a new mom 12 years ago, I found myself in a sea of ​​opinions. Many came with a sense of pressure: "Do this exact thing or else your baby will not thrive".

It was overwhelming and not helpful at all.

So I set out to do something different.

Anya Dunham author photo

Caring for baby: the unique lens of ecology

My name is Dr. Anya Dunham. I am a researcher with a PhD in Biology who studies ecology: the ways living things relate to one another and interact with their environment. More specifically, I work on habitats: spaces and environments that support life.

(more about Anya)

When I became a parent, I began to think about caring for babies from an ecological perspective. Despite technological progress, baby ecology — what our babies truly need from the physical spaces they live in, the care they receive, and their interactions with people in their life — has remained largely constant and universal. What babies need is simple — but not necessarily easy to create in our fast-paced, busy world of 21 century.

Here and in my award-winning book, Baby Ecology, I look at scientific studies on baby sleep, feeding, care, and play through the lens of ecology to answer the following questions:

  1. What do our babies really need to thrive?
  2. What elements in babies' environments — physical spaces and experiences — help meet these needs?

And then I use my parent perspective to help you create these spaces and experiences in your home in ways that work best for your baby.

Green grass background with text: Ecology: a branch of biology that studies how living things relate to one another and interact with their environment. Despite technological progress, baby ecology — what our babies need from the physical spaces they live in, care they receive, and people in their lives — has remained largely constant and universal.

What you'll find here

I write about everything that forms baby’s day-to-day experiences: getting ready for baby; sleep, feeding, playing and being cared for.

  • Knowledge from hundreds of academic papers carefully analyzed and brought together to answer tricky and complex questions we all face as new parents (for example: starting solids and avoiding picky eating; babies and screens; choosing daycare).
  • Support, whether you are formula-feeding or breastfeeding, using purees or baby-led weaning, bed-share with your baby or your baby sleeps alone. There are no parenting wars or strict, black-and-white “do's” and “don'ts” here. 
  • Practical ideas for planning, creating, and organizing play spaces and making things for your baby.
  • References to the studies I mention are always listed at the end of each article, in case you want to dig deeper or use them as a jumping off point for further reading.
Baby Ecology book cover with rating

I began working on this space in 2022 after I wrote Baby Ecology . See what Baby Ecology is about, browse through reader reviews, or check out multiple awards Baby Ecology received here

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