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Here are the latest articles at KidEcology:

Baby cry decoder apps: Are they any good?

Baby cry decoder app

Are AI-powered baby cry decoder apps helpful? Is there science behind them?

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Educational toys for babies you already own

Educational baby toys found in your home: muffin cups, spatulas, containers

There are quite a few educational toys for babies you can find in your home - and they might actually be better for learning than STEM toys one can purchase.

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Independent play for babies: is 'independent' the goal?

Independent play for babies: toddler playing in the garden

Everyone talks about independent play for babies and young children. But wait, is our goal independent play or free play?

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Is it true that babies think they are part of mom?

Do babies think they are part of their mom: baby snuggled with their mother

Is the idea that "babies think they are part of mom" or "don't know they are separate from their mother" supported by research? Let's explore together.

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Supporting your baby’s language development through connection

It’s not only the number of words that matters; research points to the importance of connection and two-way communication in supporting language development.

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Parenting questions science cannot answer

science and medicine work

Three reasons why there are (and always will be) parenting questions science cannot answer.

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Why babies do not learn from screens

why babies do not learn from screens

The video deficit phenomenon – or why babies do not learn from screens nearly as much as they do from real life – explained in under 5 minutes.

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Why doesn't videochat count as screen time for babies and toddlers?

Mother abnd baby on the phone: videochat does not count as screen timedeochat

The AAP recommends no screen time except for video-chatting for children under 18 months. Let's explore why videochat doesn't count as screen time.

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Best baby items: Most useful purchases we made

Good example of baby things to buy: baby carrier

Wondering what are the best baby items worth investing time and money into? After raising three babies, I'm sharing our 'master list'.

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Food before one is NOT just for fun

Food before one: baby being fed by spoon

Food before one is for allergen exposure, flavor, texture, and iron.

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Separation anxiety in babies is a good sign

Baby boy experiencing separation anxiety looking worried

A perspective shift on separation anxiety in babies: not a problem to fix but a milestone to celebrate.

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Mirror in playroom: Are mirrors necessary for babies?

Mirror in playroom: does your baby need it?

Some educational philosophies, like Montessori, recommend having a mirror in playroom. Others, such as RIE, discourage mirrors for babies. What does science say?

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Flash cards for baby: Are they necessary?

Mom holding baby looking at black-and-white flash cards for babies

Do 'flash cards for baby' help babies learn? Let’s take a look at what the studies says.

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What if best parenting techniques aren't working

Baby eating orange slices

If best parenting techniques aren’t working, it might be because they aren’t the best, or even good, for your baby.

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Science-based parenting: finding your way

Science-based parenting: the ONE approach diagram with love, sleep, feeding, and play

Science-based parenting can help you avoid conflicting parenting trends - and guide you to the answers that work best for your baby and your family..

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