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A really good read

by Liz McCaw, Early Learning Centre Manager

This was a really good read. Parents need to feel supported and listened to as they transition back to work and need to make that important decision about which type of care.

We also have had a shortage of care in our community and our daughter went on 3 waitlists when she found out she was pregnant and still did not have care by the time our granddaughter was one which conributed to our decision to open our own small centre, Amelia House Playschool. Fortunately with the BC fee reduction plan families have more affordable choices and my hope is that small centres like ours will pop up in our communities.

I also fully agree that relationships with caring consistent staff, the environment and a calm joyful approach to care are a priority.

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Jan 03, 2023
Thank you
by: Anya

Thank you so much for your feedback, Liz!

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Using hundreds of scientific studies, Baby Ecology connects the dots to help you create the best environment for sleep, feeding, care, and play for your baby.

Baby Ecology book cover

