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Baby Ecology: reader review spotlight

by Louise Donnelly, Registered Nurse
(Sydney, Australia)

As an early childhood nurse, I see a lot of babies and families. I also read a lot of information about parenting, and the advice offered to families.

Reading 'Baby Ecology' was a wonderful, and affirming information filled book. I loved the references to research and evidence based information. The way the knowledge was imparted, without the 'should' was reassuring.

I think that all parents would benefit from reading this to let them know that perfect is not a thing and that love and caring comes with the baby!

I loved it, an easy read that will leave parents feeling like they can.

Thank you so much for the time and effort put into this and I hope that you are enjoying the addition of your third little one into your family.

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May 05, 2022
Thank you, Louise!
by: Anya

Thank you so much for reading Baby Ecology, Louise, and for taking the time to write a review. "... that perfect is not a thing and that love and caring comes with the baby" is exactly what I was hoping to convey. Thanks again!

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Using hundreds of scientific studies, Baby Ecology connects the dots to help you create the best environment for sleep, feeding, care, and play for your baby.

Baby Ecology book cover

